Monday, June 20, 2016

Travails of an Environmental Engineer: THE WISE MEN OF THE TAC

Travails of an Environmental Engineer: THE WISE MEN OF THE TAC: 66. THE WISE MEN OF THE TAC THE PLUMBING CONSULTANT Every new project that comes up in Karnataka, be it a Manufactory, a Residenti...


  1. Hello Rama, I wrtoe a comment on this post. But I find it is not appearing.

    Your header photo is fabulous. You are such a loving daughter.

    Your annoyance with TAC officials are fully justified. Some govt. organisations are set up to create problems instead of assisting, to set up obstacles instead of facilitating projects. They are mostly headed by the cronies of ministers and help the ministers to make money.

    Best wishes

  2. Many projects face travails as you said not only in Karnataka, but everywhere.Where are you Rama? In a hibernation?
